Rob Ryan

‘When I Was A Child’


Hand-cut paper featured in the 2016 Rob Ryan calendar


‘When I was a child there were lots of books all about many types of people and all of the different jobs that they had. There were books about coal miners who worked so hard in dangerous conditions, they were brave and worked deep underground so that we could sit in front of the fire and be warmed by the burning coals they had dug out of the earth’s crust. There were books all about fishermen who braved sailing on wild and perilous seas so that we could eat crispy fish fingers with our chips for dinner.
And there were books about nurses who were kind and cared for you and policemen who were there to help you and be your friend. People who did real jobs and in a way what they did at work seemed to dictate their own particular characters…. serious, jolly, brave, honest, stern, noble, busy, useful and kind.
And now I look at these aged and worn little books again. I hold them in my hands and try and see my own little hands holding them as I did when these books were brand new. Small, little hands that needed bigger hands to trust in and put faith in, to hold onto tightly and hear say “Don’t worry because we will be right here looking out for you”  and those voices were always there! And now today I look at what I do and think “Where is the honour in all of this?” This job of making pictures, words and songs carries with it as much responsibility as any job. And it is a job! Don’t ever say it isn’t! Let us be proud of our job and our work and do good things that good men would applaud.’


29cm x 29cm

Date: 2015