Ryantown Christmas Window
Posted by on Sunday 7th December, 2014Every year we create a special Christmas window display for Ryantown and this year is no exception!
Cynthia and Michelle came up with the idea behind this years window – a three dimensional city scape inspired by Rob’s screenprint ‘Look Closer’.
Cynthia and Michelle started by tracing around print outs of the buildings onto cardboard, they then built sides, backs and roofs to the buildings before adding details by cutting out window panes, punching roof tiles to bring the buildings to life!
The scene was then constructed building by building in the window!
The fir trees in the background were sprayed green to give some contrast from the buildings in front.
Lights were then added to make the scene come to life in the dark.
We hope you can make it along to see the window and visit the shop!! Ryantown is open Wednesday evenings in the run up to Christmas, along with lots of other shops on the street, in addition to our usual opening hours.
Wednesday 3rd, 10th and 17th December 6 – 8pm
Saturday 12pm – 6pm
Sunday 10am – 4pm
Ryantown, 126 Columbia Road, London, E2 7RG.
For any secret or last minute Christmas shopping we are always happy to open the shop by appointment, please email info@robryanstudio.com to book!
Sarah McPhee
Studio Assistant