Rob Ryan

‘The Village Grew Into A Town’


Hand-cut paper. Featured in the exhibition ‘There Is Only Time’ at Sims Reed Gallery, London 2013.


‘The village grew into a town and the town grew into a whole city. The tree grew up to the sky and the river grew as it flowed towards the sea. And the flowers, well thew grew until they covered the whole field and from inside the depths of our hearts you grew as well. Every single day a tiny bit more and more of you. And all of the long days and all of the short days will add up to yet more of you until there is no more growing left to be grown. But yet still inside you there will never be a shortage to the amount of love your heart can grow, and day by day and year by year you can grow in your heart still more care and more sympathy and more trust and more kindness until it finally blossoms and its flowers cover the entire world.’


79cm x 54cm

Date: 2013